Transfer Pricing Documentation and Benchmarking Analysis, How to Get It Right? Singapore 8 May 2017

InsightsTransfer Pricing Documentation and Benchmarking Analysis, How to Get It Right? Singapore 8 May 2017

Transfer Pricing Documentation and Benchmarking Analysis, How to Get It Right? Singapore 8 May 2017

Transfer pricing documentation and benchmarking analysis are critical to defending your transfer pricing risks from the tax authorities. But HOW do you get them right? The reality is the theory and practice of preparing documentation and benchmarking analysis are very different, hence the importance of practical insights.

We have designed a one-day class in collaboration with The Institute of Singapore Chartered Accountants (ISCA) to share practical knowledge using real life case studies covering key aspect of managing transfer pricing risks.

You will learn:

Read more about the event and REGISTER NOW

So, what’s stopping you? The registration is open until 1 May 2017; special discount applies for ISCA members.