Webinar Transfer Pricing For Intragroup Services In Asia

EventsWebinar Transfer Pricing For Intragroup Services In Asia


Transfer Pricing for Intragroup Services in Asia.

25 July  2024 // 2:00p.m. - 3:00p.m Singapore Time


Are you looking to effectively manage intra group services in the Asia region?


Join us for a webinar to learn about the latest trends and best practices for ensuring success in this area. Our expert panel will discuss the latest trends in intragroup services in the Asia region and offer advice on how to develop effective management strategies. We will also share about the advantages and disadvantages of certain approaches to managing intragroup services. With insights from our experienced panel, you'll be better equipped to make informed decisions that will benefit your organization.


Adriana Calderon has extensive international experience with Big Four and mid-tier firms advising multinational companies in the areas of corporate and international taxation across South America, the US, Australia and the Asia Pacific Region.

As a TP practitioner, Adriana has advised companies in the Asia Pacific Region across various industries and in a wide range of projects associated with planning, compliance and dispute resolutions with tax authorities. She has also participated in specialised projects involving pricing of financial transactions, business restructures and negotiation of APAs. Most recently, she has participated in TP planning projects to implement BEPS’s Action Plan and country-by-country reporting. 

Hong Chuan Tan has close to a decade of experience in transfer pricing and GST. He specialises in managing a portfolio of clients comprising companies from a broad range of industries such as mining; electrical and electronics; plastic products; construction and property development; hotels; real estate; oil and gas amongst others. He has prepared transfer pricing documentation (Master File and Local File) for the Asia Pacific region, in particular Australia, Malaysia, Singapore and the Philippines.
He possesses experience in working with leading brands with the primary focus to exceed the expectations on clients’ service delivery while ensuring optimum brand impact. He is able to provide effective and resourceful information on the transfer pricing related problems, provide recommendations for the client’s business and process improvements.

Founding Director of Transfer Pricing Solutions, Shannon Smit has specialised in transfer pricing since 1998. Shannon is a Chartered Accountant, Registered Tax Agent and holds her Masters in International Tax Law and is on the Australian Governments Board of Taxation Working Group as an expert panel member for the Review of Tax Impediments Facing Small Business. Her position has been renewed annually for the past four years.
Shannon also lectures in Transfer Pricing as a part of the Melbourne University’s Law School International Tax Program.

Transfer Pricing for intragroup services in Asia.


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